Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pay it Forward!

I just returned home from the annual TAPC conference in Dallas. I truly enjoyed watching old friends reunite, new relationships blooming, and industry leaders sharing their expertise.

To describe this dance of handshakes and pats on the back as “Networking” would be cliché. It’s not about collecting business cards to refer to when you need something. These connections are about “Offering Value.”

There were 600 attendees at the TAPC conference. Just think how powerful the results could be if each handshake included a true effort from both parties to offer something to each other?! This is “NetWeaving.”

According to author Bob Littell, “NetWeaving is a “Pay It Forward” form of networking based upon the Golden Rule and the belief that, what goes around. . .DOES come back around.”

Jeffrey Gitomer also writes about NetWeaving on his Sales Caffeine ezine. According to Jeffrey, “the interesting part is that when you become involved in NetWeaving, you get into a new business frame of mind. It makes you aware of the needs of others and at the same time challenges you to draw on your full range of contacts. The challenge is as great as the reward.”

So, I offer to you, old friend or new contact, my insight as a former recruiter and business owner, my passion as a seasoned sales executive, and my connections through “NetWeaving”. Let’s “Pay it Forward”!!

"We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results." Herman Melville

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